
Metalfest - 2011
Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen
Saxon, the classic NWOBHM band, was the semi headliner of the second evening, and certainly the one I was looking the most forward to of the two.
Telling from the size of the crowd around me, I wasn’t the only one looking forward to seeing this old group rock the socks off Metalfest, and Saxon were more than ready to deliver!
In fact, I think they were so prepped for the gig they accidentally began playing a bit early; a sad fact as I was running a little late myself, and would just have had enough time to make it in time for the actual beginning… But there you go, better be early at another time…
Up at the site, Saxon was entertaining us with a mix of old classics, some newer classics and also songs from their very soon to be released album Call To Arms. Among others was the title track, a truly epic thing which was highly appreciated by the crowd. Not so much as the old classics like Denim And Leather or Wheels Of Steel, but I’m sure this is something that will grow over time.
Denim And Leather also saw a special light-show, designed to help people with acute memory loss (possibly because of excessive beer drinking to such bands as Sodom and Tankard who had played earlier in the day). It was made up of large screens which stood in front of the stage speakers, and it rolled the words denim and leather by as we listened and sang along the chorus.
In general, the crowd was much calmer now compared to the crowd-surfing and moshing extravaganza we had just seen when Wintersun played, but I’m sure that the bands were equally enjoyed by the crowd, it was just that Saxon’s music fits better to old time headbanging and pumping your fist in the air, something which happened in abundance.
Loud shouts and clapping also filled the air in between songs, but this was not quite enough for frontman 'Biff' Byford who tried to up the audience participation by asking us whether we wanted the next song to be a fast one or a slow one; it was decided that we wanted a fast one and on came 20.000 Ft. which gave us just what we wanted.
Byford also tried his hands at some sing-along action towards the end of the show. Why he chose to sing the intro for Kiss’ I Love It Loud I really don’t know, but it worked like a charm!
There was also place for others in the group to show themselves; as an example there was the delightful, and thankfully not dragged out drumsolo by Nigel Glockler at the end of Demon Sweeney Todd. Short and sweet, just the way we like them.
After the show was done, all of the members went and took a deep bow, and then proceeded in throwing an impressive amount of memorabilia, like plectres, drum sticks and the like out to the audience before leaving. Nicely done, like true professionals.
This may not be a gig that goes down in history, but it was immensely entertaining while it lasted, and gave me just what I had hoped for.
Setlist (incomplete):
Heavy Metal Thunder
Dogs Of War
Motorcycle Man
Back In ‘79
20.000 Ft.
Call To Arms
Demon Sweeney Todd
Solo (Nigel Glockler)
Denim And Leather
Princess Of The Night
Wheels Of Steel
Telling from the size of the crowd around me, I wasn’t the only one looking forward to seeing this old group rock the socks off Metalfest, and Saxon were more than ready to deliver!
In fact, I think they were so prepped for the gig they accidentally began playing a bit early; a sad fact as I was running a little late myself, and would just have had enough time to make it in time for the actual beginning… But there you go, better be early at another time…
Up at the site, Saxon was entertaining us with a mix of old classics, some newer classics and also songs from their very soon to be released album Call To Arms. Among others was the title track, a truly epic thing which was highly appreciated by the crowd. Not so much as the old classics like Denim And Leather or Wheels Of Steel, but I’m sure this is something that will grow over time.
Denim And Leather also saw a special light-show, designed to help people with acute memory loss (possibly because of excessive beer drinking to such bands as Sodom and Tankard who had played earlier in the day). It was made up of large screens which stood in front of the stage speakers, and it rolled the words denim and leather by as we listened and sang along the chorus.
In general, the crowd was much calmer now compared to the crowd-surfing and moshing extravaganza we had just seen when Wintersun played, but I’m sure that the bands were equally enjoyed by the crowd, it was just that Saxon’s music fits better to old time headbanging and pumping your fist in the air, something which happened in abundance.
Loud shouts and clapping also filled the air in between songs, but this was not quite enough for frontman 'Biff' Byford who tried to up the audience participation by asking us whether we wanted the next song to be a fast one or a slow one; it was decided that we wanted a fast one and on came 20.000 Ft. which gave us just what we wanted.
Byford also tried his hands at some sing-along action towards the end of the show. Why he chose to sing the intro for Kiss’ I Love It Loud I really don’t know, but it worked like a charm!
There was also place for others in the group to show themselves; as an example there was the delightful, and thankfully not dragged out drumsolo by Nigel Glockler at the end of Demon Sweeney Todd. Short and sweet, just the way we like them.
After the show was done, all of the members went and took a deep bow, and then proceeded in throwing an impressive amount of memorabilia, like plectres, drum sticks and the like out to the audience before leaving. Nicely done, like true professionals.
This may not be a gig that goes down in history, but it was immensely entertaining while it lasted, and gave me just what I had hoped for.
Setlist (incomplete):
Heavy Metal Thunder
Dogs Of War
Motorcycle Man
Back In ‘79
20.000 Ft.
Call To Arms
Demon Sweeney Todd
Solo (Nigel Glockler)
Denim And Leather
Princess Of The Night
Wheels Of Steel