
Vega, Copenhagen - 2010

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

Machine Head were out on a new ’Black’ tour, this time called The Black Procession, and with them here in Copenhagen were Bleeding Through and Hatebreed who were warming up for the aforementioned host.

“It’s circle-pit time Copenhagen!”
Vocalist Jamey Jasta exclaimed this while looking at an imaginary watch on his arm.
When it was time for Hatebreed to take the stage, they took it by storm; they were giving it all it could take straight from the start! And even more impressive, they kept the energy up all the way to the end, without ever letting up on the pressure.
The hall was getting warm and sweaty as people shouted, jumped and moshed to the energetic hardcore/metal mix, proving it was just the kind of thing the crowd was looking for this night.
Comments like “…you may be only 600 but you sound like 6000…” and “…you’re making Sweden look bad…” also proved that the band not only noticed, but clearly appreciated our efforts as well; they probably fed as much off of our power as we did theirs.

Performance-ways Hatebreed did all the right things this night; as said they were energetic as hell, they were entertaining and they reached out across the edge of the stage in more than one way. During the second song, Proven, Jasta jumped of the stage and continued singing down on the security fence while lending a hand to the appreciative audience.
Other great crowd connections could be felt (and heard) in the sing-along for In Ashes They Shall Reap (from their latest, eponymous album) and during the ‘Machine Fucking Head’ chant the band started before taking their leave of us. There were many, many more than these though, but you’d better check them out for yourself when they come around.

I didn’t really know Hatebreed from before other than hearing their name pop up once in a while, but I was thoroughly convinced of their ability to rock the house by seeing this show. They left me with the feeling that Machine Head now had something great to live up to…


I Will Be Heard
Never Let It Die
This Is Now
Everyone Bleeds Now
In Ashes They Shall Reap
Merciless Tide
To The Threshold
Last Breath
Empty Promises
Live For This
Destroy Everything


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