Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

Tilbage Til LIVE - 2021

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

There weren’t many rock bands present at the Tilbage Til LIVE festival, but the ones that did come by were among the top of the Danish rock Hall of Fame. Thus, after D-A-D’s show (a bit after in fact), it was time for none other than Dizzy Mizz Lizzy to take the main stage.

We hadn’t yet reached the headliner spot, but excitement was clearly high for Dizzy Mizz Lizzy as well, and the space in front of the main stage and its catwalk was well filled by people looking to party.
On the stage, we could see that the band had scaled down their already quite minimalistic setup. For the last many times, they’ve brought along an interesting lightshow, but today it was pretty much just the band, and that’s it. That’s fair of course, and not surprising for a band that always seems to put the music in the driver’s seat, but still, a little more thought in the look of the event wouldn’t hurt either.

Letting the music take the driver’s seat however, the foot was clearly placed on the speeder as the band kicked off with I Would If I Could But I Can’t, with it’s nice, driving rock rhythm. It not only set the tone for the show musically, but also foreshadowed that the show would be mainly focused on post-reunion Dizzy songs, especially taken from the 2020 album Alter Echo.
Alter Echo was not an album I was terribly familiar with at the time of the show, but I noted that this was probably the heaviest Dizzy Mizz Lizzy concert I’d attended, and it was easy to write it down to the new song material. Sure, the same old Dizzy sensibility is still there, but the overall sound and the riffing had definitely taken a darker turn. Why, I’m not sure, but I didn’t mind it as such. I was just sad that they didn’t play all that many songs that I actually knew - singing along was not as present a thing this day, as it usually is.

This, combined with the fact that the band wasn’t doing all that much to reach across the stage, made for a very laid back and somewhat disconnected experience. No one spoke all that much, and when it did happen, it was nothing but standard comments like “thanks” and “you’re great”. While there was a nice intensity to begin with, the band only trod water in the same place, instead of bringing it further in one direction or the other. Heck, they didn’t even make good use of the catwalk, with Tim Christensen being the only one to go out on it, and due to his guitar cable, even he didn’t get all that far, and he only tried it once, if my memory serves me.
On the upside, I very much enjoyed the Christensen solo performance of Love Is A Loser’s Game, which added a nice tension to the song. It was also one of the audience favourites of course, and the one that the audience even got to take lead on the vocals on for a bit.
On a personal level, I also have to give a thumbs up to the Edgar Allan Poe connection in The Middle.

If D-A-D brought the party to Tilbage Til LIVE, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy definitely brought the heart. Say what you will, I haven’t yet attended a Dizzy show that didn’t hit me in the feels. This one might not have hit as hard as they usually do, but it did hit, and that’s still a good thing.

Setlist (incomplete):

I Would If I Could But I Can’t
The Middle
Amelia - Part 3: Lights Out
Love Is A Loser’s Game

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