Brutal Assault - The warm up party contest is over!
The warm up party contest is over. Thanks for massive voting. We have desided to put 2 most wanted bands on the regular festival bill so they will have the chance to share the stage with other nice bands. Congratulations to Minority Sound and Disfigured Corpse! But back to Wednesday's programme. Abstract Essence, Mindwork and Unaffected Evolution will be added to the previously announced bands. Also Stiny Plamenu got lots of votes but unfortunately they are not able to perform due to the drummer's injury.
Also there are many questions about the flood situation. We can assume you, the festival ground is far away from the flood areas. So let's hope for a good weather (that got better in lastr 2 days) so you could enjoy the festival without rain and mud.
Also there are many questions about the flood situation. We can assume you, the festival ground is far away from the flood areas. So let's hope for a good weather (that got better in lastr 2 days) so you could enjoy the festival without rain and mud.