
Metalcamp - 2008

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen


Q: Jari, where does your musical inspiration come from?
A: (Jari) Well, I used to play a lot Commodore 64 games when I was young, and I got a lot of my inspiration from that kind of music.

Q: On the last album only Jari (Mäenpää, vocals & guitar) and Kai (Hahto, drums) were accredited band members, but you've had the same live set intact since then. Who are officially in the band on the upcoming album?
A: (Jari) All four of us are in the band. Kai and I have written most of the material for the album, but both Jukka (Koskinen, bass) and Teemu (Mäntysaari, guitar) have given a hand as well.

Q: How would you compare the upcoming album the old one?
A: (Kai) The old one (Wintersun - Jari Mäenpää, 2004) could almost be seen as a demotape compared to the new one. There is just much more of everything, more symphonic parts, more choirs. Just look at the opening song, it holds more than 300 tracks!

Q: Will we hear something from the new one at the concert?
A: (Kai) Maybe...


After a long symphonic intro, Wintersun entered the Metalcamp mainstage once again, just as they had done two years ago. At that time, it was shortly before they were to enter the studio to make their second album. Now, two years later, they are here to have a break from making that very same album.

"We came here to show you that we're still alive!" shouted Jari, and he and the rest of the band were happy to show the sincerity of his words. They gave a very good show, so good it did not even bother anyone that it started raining halfway through it and that the vocals were way to low, at least to begin with. I suppose being stuck in the studio for so long had given the band a lot of energy they needed to burn of, and since Metalcamp was the only place they played we got the whole discharge.
The music was intense and tight, and Jari was good at filling the holes between songs with some fun chitchat.

"You want something heavier!?" Here they turned to Beautiful Death, but that was just one of all the nice treats we were offered at this show. Among others there was a surprise in the cover Painkiller (by Judas Priest) which they squeezed a part of in between solos from Kai and Jari.

"Here is something of the new album!" shouted Jari, and the crowd went wild. What we got was about two seconds of intense noise, and then the band said goodnight and left the stage... Hope it will be a bit longer on the album.

Setlist (incomplete):

Beyond The Dark Sun
Sleeping Stars
Battle Against Time
Death And The Healing
Beautiful Death

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