Rotting Christ

Pumpehuset, Copenhagen - 2018

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

Really, Rotting Christ? Concert of the year this early? That hardly seems fair, now does it?

“Alright, it’s nice to be back here in Copenhagen!”
- Sakis Tolis (vocals/guitar)

Rotting Christ has been together for an impressive 30 years this year, and the anniversary is marked by the release of Their Greatest Spells: 30 Years Of Rotting Christ, a compilation album spanning their career, and of course this tour, which luckily lead them back to Copenhagen. We’re also entering the eight year since the last time we saw Rotting Christ, but as soon as they hit the stage, it took me straight back to the good old days. Sure, a couple of faces have changed since then. The Tolis brothers still hold the core intact, and with them they now have Vagelis ‘Van Ace’ Karzis (Full House Brew Crew) on bass and George Emmanuel (Lucifer’s Child) on guitar, both providing backing vocals when needed.
Now, they have both been with the band for several years by now, and it was easy to see how well they all played together. Rotting Christ has always felt like a very powerful live-band, but the vitality that both Emmanuel and Karzis brought to the table was uplifting. The small stage, the low lights, and heavy use of smoke, made it hard to see Themis Tolis, and Sakis Tolis, while giving a strong performance, was naturally tied up at the microphone most of the time. This gave Emmanuel and Karzis plenty of room (timewise, not physical) to inject the show with life, which they did with wild headbanging, and an abnormally large crowd connection - Emmanuel was practically hanging off the edge of the stage from the moment he walked on!

While Rotting Christ seemed to enjoy being back in Copenhagen, it was hardly a match for how much Copenhagen enjoyed having them back. The venue was sold out well in advance, and while Carach Angren, the support of the tour, had garnered a great response from the audience, it was nothing compared to the raw emotion that shot towards the main band.
Where the support had fallen short in their request for a circlepit, no such bad luck befell Rotting Christ - they even managed a kind of wall of death, although it seemed not everyone was completely clear on what they were doing, and it was all a bit chaotic. Which is as it should be.
It’s hard to put in words exactly what makes Rotting Christ such a good live band, and what made this evening so special. There is so much that weighs in, like the fact that the band members seem like down-to-earth and real people, who genuinely enjoy doing what they do. Add to that a very singular path chosen for their music, setting them aside from so many others, and a backpack full of strong material to pull from. There’s also the setting - Pumpehuset’s lower level isn’t the largest place in town, but it has proven time and again to be a perfect place for shows where you want to go straight in and personal with the band. It has a wonderfully intimate feeling, which, when used right, can create a truly intense atmosphere. Rotting Christ did this, and we are thankful for it. Here’s hoping it won’t be another eight years till next time.


Κατά Τον Δαίμονα Έαυτοΰ
Δαίμονων Βρωσης
Έλθέ, Κύριε
Ἄπαγε Σατανά
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Societas Satanas (Thou Art Lord cover)
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