
Karmøygeddon - 2012

Text: Sean Pickering Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

The next band to come on stage is Pain, the industrial metal band from Sweden. Not as many people in here at this time for Pain as for the previous bands.

When Pain arrives on stage, they kick off with a song from the last album, Let Me Out, a typical Pain song: electro vibe, growling and clear vocals covered with a couple of guitars and more or less fast drums. Tonight the band played a nice mix of tracks from all of their albums except the first one, with a slight focus on more recent tunes.
Being in Norway the band communicates in Swedish with the public (like a few bands this weekend) so I don’t understand what is said.

During some songs all of the musicians are doing the backing vocals, to a point that during Monkey Business we could hear the bass player, André Skaug (Clawfinger), more than the main singer and it slightly changed the feeling of the song as he has a more heavy metal voice, but it actually sounded quite good.


Let me out
Dancing With The Dead
End of the Line
Dirty Woman
Zombie Slam
Nailed To The Ground
It’s Only Them
The Great Pretender
I’m Going In
Monkey Business
Same Old Song
Shut Your Mouth

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