
Wacken - 2010

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

Overkill played midday on the True Metal Stage, and after a fairly disappointing Unleashed show moments earlier, it was up to the New Jersey thrashers to redeem the metal honour to the German festival.
As I had been less than impressed by their concert at Metalcamp earlier this year, my mind might not have been as open as needed be though…

Well, I must admit that they did make one heck of a lot of noise, in a positive sense of course, as they ripped through their set.
That the show was an immediate hit with the large amount of fans was not to be mistaken; there were loads of enthusiastic arms and horns raised, and just as much good old headbanging. Even the crowd-surfers were up and about at this time, and were smiling as they sailed by in line after line…
On the stage, Bobby ‘Blitz’ Ellsworth and his band-mates were doing their thing with the music, and headbanging like there was no tomorrow, but other than that I didn’t feel they had much to offer.
As I mentioned this, I was quickly out-voiced by Lunah (Lauridsen, our photographer) however, who felt they were very lively and played a kick-ass performance.

So, looking at things as objectively as I can, I can’t deny the sensation so many felt this was, but for my very personal festival experience it didn’t make much of a difference. I suppose it all comes down to a question of personal taste and enthusiasm…

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