
Metaldays - 2018

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

In the warm light of day, Obituary stopped by the Metaldays main stage, to deliver unto us some hard-hitting Florida death metal.

Well, that was the plan at least, and we were hoping for the best, but sometimes, that’s just not good enough. Sadly.
Don’t get me wrong, the music wasn’t lacking anything, the sound was good, and the musicians played what they were supposed to. Heck, they even had a guest drummer with them in Lee Harrison (Monstrosity, Terrorizer) on drums, doing a fine job of it.
No, the music wasn’t the problem here, it was the performance. Or, I don’t even know if that’s the proper word to use at this time, considering how cleansed this show was from it. Sure, John Tardy was walking back and forth, sometimes swinging that huge mane of his, but mostly just using it to cover his face, and Trevor Peres was headbanging pretty hard, but apart from John Tardy, everyone was as immobile as statues, and neither Terry Butler nor Kenny Andrews even contributed much in the neck swinging section, settling from some lazy nodding instead.
On top of this, John Tardy wasn’t much of a talker this day, preferring to leave long and awkward pauses of silence between their songs. Look, that’s just not going to fly, ok?

Being the big name that they are, Obituary had amassed a good-sized crowd, and given the nature of the music, it wasn’t surprising to see at least a bit of moshing going on, but the enthusiasm of the crowd didn’t help matters on stage sadly.
In the end, the only death related part of this show was that it was dead boring.

Setlist (incomplete):

By The Light
Turned To Stone
Visions In My Head
Don’t Care
Turned Inside Out
Slowly We Rot

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