
Copenhell - 2011
Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen
The sun was blocked out by grey clouds, a cool breeze rose, and everyone knew that it was time for the band which put the hell in Copenhell.
The band entered the stage and began playing without so much as a word, but then again the vocalist took his time, only entering a long time after the rest of the band, and even then taking his time as he moved into position at a pace which would have made the templar ghosts of the Blind Dead series look like Olympic sprinters.
Actually, he, Attila Csihar, really lived his role as the satanic priest he was dressed up as for the occasion. In his one hand he had an inverted crucifix taped to his mic, and in the other he had a small piece of skull which he seemed to be only too happy about holing up before his face as he sung.
Sadly, nothing much was happening; Csihar held his ground, and his movement was constricted to the raising and lowering of his arms, at a deadly slow pace of course. The rest of the band-members, especially Jørn ‘Necrobutcher’ Stubberud and the two touring guitarists Krister ‘Morfeus’ Dreyer (ex-Limbonic Art) and Silmaeth, only made a few unlucky attempts at headbanging, other than this all things were quite still…
What spoke well for Mayhem was that someone had managed to give the show a really well-balanced and crisp sound, so for fans of the band it must have sounded just the way it should.
And fans there seemed to be plenty of; at least the grounds before the stage was filled with people, not very tightly it but still impressive I’d say. Sadly, the lack of performance from the band seemed to be contagious, as almost all stood very still and silent. It was impossible for me to discern whether or not people were actually enjoying this, or if they were simply paralyzed by what they saw before them.
Of course, there were also the people who seem to strive to make a mockery out of Black Metal bands. Here, a couple of blokes had written on a piece of cardboard the words Jesus Loves You, a piece which was held high in the air almost for the duration of the gig.
For me, this was very far from anything gripping and exciting, and it didn’t look that way for my fellow festival goers either. A few shouts went up for the bands ‘hit-song’ (though I think we can hardly look upon this as a hit in the common sense) Freezing Moon, but nothing wild per se. There was also another song from the De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in the form of Buried By Time And Dust, but other than this I must confess myself at a bit of a loss as to what they played…
I could have done without this, as it made no effect on my festival as a whole whatsoever.
The band entered the stage and began playing without so much as a word, but then again the vocalist took his time, only entering a long time after the rest of the band, and even then taking his time as he moved into position at a pace which would have made the templar ghosts of the Blind Dead series look like Olympic sprinters.
Actually, he, Attila Csihar, really lived his role as the satanic priest he was dressed up as for the occasion. In his one hand he had an inverted crucifix taped to his mic, and in the other he had a small piece of skull which he seemed to be only too happy about holing up before his face as he sung.
Sadly, nothing much was happening; Csihar held his ground, and his movement was constricted to the raising and lowering of his arms, at a deadly slow pace of course. The rest of the band-members, especially Jørn ‘Necrobutcher’ Stubberud and the two touring guitarists Krister ‘Morfeus’ Dreyer (ex-Limbonic Art) and Silmaeth, only made a few unlucky attempts at headbanging, other than this all things were quite still…
What spoke well for Mayhem was that someone had managed to give the show a really well-balanced and crisp sound, so for fans of the band it must have sounded just the way it should.
And fans there seemed to be plenty of; at least the grounds before the stage was filled with people, not very tightly it but still impressive I’d say. Sadly, the lack of performance from the band seemed to be contagious, as almost all stood very still and silent. It was impossible for me to discern whether or not people were actually enjoying this, or if they were simply paralyzed by what they saw before them.
Of course, there were also the people who seem to strive to make a mockery out of Black Metal bands. Here, a couple of blokes had written on a piece of cardboard the words Jesus Loves You, a piece which was held high in the air almost for the duration of the gig.
For me, this was very far from anything gripping and exciting, and it didn’t look that way for my fellow festival goers either. A few shouts went up for the bands ‘hit-song’ (though I think we can hardly look upon this as a hit in the common sense) Freezing Moon, but nothing wild per se. There was also another song from the De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album in the form of Buried By Time And Dust, but other than this I must confess myself at a bit of a loss as to what they played…
I could have done without this, as it made no effect on my festival as a whole whatsoever.