
Unholy Alliance, Valby Hallen - 2008

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

Three things struck me as the three-piece (for some reason Bill Kelliher, guitars, did not play with them) Mastodon from Atlanta, USA, played their concert:
1 - It's not often you see a twelve-string electric guitar.
2 - The Blood Mountain backdrop was pretty cool as it reminded me of the deer-head on the wall in Sam Raimi's Evil Dead.
3 - The only thing that saved this show in my opinion was the charismatic performance by bassist Troy Sanders.

Why they were chosen to play after Amon Amarth, who had a much wider fan-base here tonight is beyond me. I base this statement on the fact that there was a lot more action in the audience to the former concert, and also on seeing all the people who left the concert hall at this point to go and hang out in the bars in the foyer.

And honestly, apart from Troy who I mentioned earlier, there wasn't much to get ecstatic about here. The sound was horrible (as it was for all shows), Brent Hinds (guitars, vocals) spent about 90 percent of the show looking at the tips of his shoes, and the music didn't catch me in the least.
Admittedly, these guys must be doing something right (or have one heck of a PR guy) as I have heard their name mentioned a great lot over the last few years, but based on this show I don't know what the fuss is all about. I was disappointed, and as so many others I gave up after a while to go and get something to drink instead while waiting for the next band.

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