In Extremo

Metalcamp - 2008

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

Just as with In Flames before them, In Extremo were kind enough to try and keep us warm with some impressive pyro. However, in this case I was a bit concerned with the safety of it all. Where In Flames had just tried to burn the stage down, In Extremo used two cannons which spewed long flames straight out over the crowd's heads, and there wasn't that much air in between the two.

The crowd wasn't as big as it had been to In Flames, but there were still a lot of people, and even some with enough energy to dance along to the catchy folk-metal tunes of the band. In Extremo themselves did not seem to be bothered by the late time they had gotten for their concert, and gave a very energy-filled show, where especially Dr. Pymonte (a.k.a. André Strugala) impressed me with his performance. All the band seemed to be on top though, not just him.
Incidentally, it was also the good doctor's birthday, which was celebrated with a big sing-a-long by the audience, as Das Letzte Einhorn (a.k.a. Michael Robert Reihn) led us all in the familiar tunes of Happy Birthday To You.

In Extremo is an impressive sight to be seen, and I hope to get the chance again someday, where conditions are a bit more favourable.

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