Five Finger Death Punch

The Rock, Copenhagen - 2009

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

After some illness and cancelled shows, Five Finger Death Punch was back and ready to greet us at The Rock this fine night. Only guitarist Zoltán Báthory was still out, but before the show vocalist Ivan Moody entered the stage and held a quick vote, asking if they (Five Finger Death Punch) should play with one member short, or if they should re-schedule for a later time. Need I say that the mood was leaning towards the former?

The show kicked off the ground with the song Burn It Down, which especially for the evening featured the lyrical change “Copenhagen, burn it down!”.
With such a smack in the mouth, and after an excellent warm-up by Shadows Fall, it was no wonder the crowd ran wild with the hard pumping music, and Five Finger Death Punch was an excellent host to the mayhem which unfolded. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I saw The Rock’s audience so active!
Moody still felt he could squeeze a little more out of us, and after what was obviously considered a weak reply to one of his shout requests, he humorously asked if we thought we were at a Flyleaf concert. He was quickly rewarded with a hugely increased intensity in the already wild moshpit; of course, by this time we had reached the speed-freak White Knuckles, and I’m sure this helped the insanity along as well.

Five Finger Death Punch came off as a most competent live-band (I have yet to hear them on album), and the show only held one minor side-step from the good energy that was going around. At one point bassist Matt Snell got pissed off because his mic-stand had fallen, and handled it by kicking it and looking sour.
But, as I said, apart from this small hiccup I strongly enjoyed my time in Five Finger Death Punch’s company, and wouldn’t hesitate to go see them live again.


Burn It Down
The Way Of The Fist
Hard To See
Bad Company (Bad Company cover)
White Knuckles
Never Enough
Dying Breed
The Bleeding

Five Finger Death Punch

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