
The Rock, Copenhagen - 2011

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

Entombed had embarked on a special Denmark mini-tour, three days in all, and the final night was played on the good old The Rock in Copenhagen.
With them they had brought The Kandidate who had tried but failed at warming up the crowd; so now it was time for the Swedes to show that old is eldest…

And with great age comes great confusion, or something like that. At least that’s what it looked like when the curtain was pulled aside and the band hurried off of the stage to make an entrance. Maybe it wasn’t age though, maybe it was just the good Danish beers…
Anyway, back on stage the band was quick to kick of hard with the opening and likewise title-track off their latest album, Serpent Saints. Now, as I mentioned earlier, The Kandidate hadn’t really made any progress with the large crowd, so a fear snuck up on me that Entombed might not get as well received as they ought to be; however, not many seconds passed before all of my fears turned to shame. The heat came up at this dark venue as a hundred or more sweaty bodies smashed together in a ferocious trance, enthralled by the demonic riffing of Alex Hellid and Nico Elgstrand and the ungodly scream/grunts of L.G. Petrov, and the backbone of the concert smashed the stone-walls around us at the hands of Victor Brandt and Olle Dahlstedt.
Was it good? You bet it was!
In a way, Entombed can be likened to a good bottle of wine; it gets better with age, and if you indulge too much in one time you get drunk. Very drunk.

Actually, this is one of those shows which are really hard to review. No doubt it was good, and hence I have positive feelings about it.
No, the hard part comes with the fact that I was so engulfed in the show as it happened it is hard to remember specific details about it here afterwards. And as the menu said break-neck headbanging all the way through, taking notes was not really an option. I was lucky enough to get Lunah (Lauridsen, our photographer) to provide me with a shot of the setlist, so that I can give that to you (sadly not in its entirety as it was ripped and unreadable between Eyemaster and Out Of Hand) a recount of what was played, but as to the what and when, things are a bit more of a blur. I do remember the band showing of a sense of humour with adding an audio-clip from Lars von Trier’s horror show Riget (Kingdom), the one where the Swedish doctor screams; ”Dansk-djävlar!” (loosely translates to Danish bastards)
Petrov was in a real good mood, and even though not much space was left between the songs, which nearly came back to back from start to finish, except for the planned leave before the encore, he still managed to shoot off a small remark or two once in a while which brightened the listeners mood even more. Why, one guy was so moved in fact, that he moved himself up on the stage and mooned us! But what can you expect? We were all just having fun.

So, after a slightly disorienting start, things quickly moved into top-gear, and Entombed produced one hell of a show! My personal high-lights were certainly Damn Deal Done and the now well-used Roky Erickson cover Night Of The Vampire. If pressed to say something negative, it would only be that I missed my favourite Entombed tracks, Hollowman and To Ride, Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth, but I’m sure they’ll be along sometime soon. I would still love to hear them perform Hellraiser though, but that is a dream I’m afraid I’ll take to the grave…
Still, not a regret in the world over seeing this show; it was an all-out energy burst from start till stop.

Setlist (incomplete):

Serpent Saints
I For An Eye
Supposed To Rot
When In Sodom
Like This With The Devil
Out Of Hand
Stranger Aeons
Damn Deal Done
Left Hand Path
Chief Rebel Angel
Night Of The Vampire (Roky Erickson cover)
Revel In Flesh
Wolverine Blues

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