
Metalcamp - 2008

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

One of the summers much talked about reunions was the fast beating British pioneers of grind core, Carcass. A lot, and I mean A Lot, of people had come out to see their show here at Metalcamp. The grounds were more or less filled all the way back to the drinking tent down at the festival area entrance. However, even though there were many people to watch, there wasn't really much action going on. Everyone was mostly standing around and just watching the show, unlike many of the other shows which had held big moshpits, and even a few crowd surfers.
An explanation for this was hinted at in a comment from singer/bassist Jeff Walker, who simply put it: "I see we've brought the English weather with us". Yes, it was raining again.

Beside him stood an almost complete original line-up with Bill Steer and Michael Amott (also in Arch Enemy) on guitars. The only one missing was drummer Ken Owen, who was replaced by Michael Amott's Arch Enemy band-mate Daniel Erlandsson.

Just as the audience, the band was mostly standing around. Jeff had a few small memories he wanted to share with us between songs, but other than that this place was also pretty quiet. Technically, they got a very good sound out of the speakers (except for No Love Lost, I don't know what happened there), but there was a pretty annoying problem with the big screens on the side of the stage which for me stole some of the attention. They were blinking a lot with complete nonsense, and sometimes just showing a blank white screen.

Just before the end, Jeff took the time to introduce us to the band, and very humbly added: "By the way, if someone was wondering, we're Carcass from England."
For me, it was not a show I was absolutely thrilled about, but it had some moments with a pretty good groove. Lunah (Lauridsen, Metalmoments photographer) however was very glad to see them, and promptly put three big stars in my notepad.

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