
Cannibal Corpse
Metalcamp - 2010
Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen
From one brutal death metal band, we move directly over to the next…
After seeing Chris Barnes’ current band, Six Feet Under, it was interesting to see that his old band-mates of Cannibal Corpse were taking over the stage directly afterwards. This could mean a cool reunion of sorts, if Barnes decided to show up and maybe do some guest vocals or something. Sadly, and even though George ‘Corpsegrinder’ Fisher and the band dedicated one of their songs to the aforementioned singer and band nothing of the sort happened.
“I’m not gonna be the only one headbanging, short hair is no excuse!”
- George 'Corpsegrinder' Fisher (vocals)
Even without the hope of a visit, people still flocked around in great masses to enjoy Cannibal Corpse, and things were not supposed to go easily by. With comments like the one mentioned, and others, like; “If you don’t mosh, I’m gonna come out there and kill you myself!” Corpsegrinder did what was in his power to get people thrashing to the music, as if it was needed. Already from the start of the show the grounds was filled by a violent moshpit, and those not participating in this activity were burning their energy off by breakneck speed headbanging.
Not that audience participation should stop there though, Corpsegrinder even incited a sing-along for A Skull Full Of Maggots, where everyone should stand and shout Maggots at the top of their lungs, and the response was powerful and all that he could wish for.
So the audience had a blast and was working their asses of, but what about the band?
Well, to be perfectly honest, I found the band to be a rather dull affair… I mean, the music will kill you with its sheer brutality, but if something in the performance should kill you, it could only be by boredom. Sure, the headbanging was intense, especially in the case of Corpsegrinder, but other than that there was… Absolutely nothing…
Someone once said that there is something special about a band which can just go on stage and let the music speak for itself, and in a way I suppose I agree, but for that to work, it demands that you actually like the music, at the least. As for Cannibal Corpse, I do not, and therefore something else was sorely needed, but sadly not provided.
Ok, Corpsegrinder ventured out into a little joke towards the end, saying; “When I said this was the last song (Hammer Smashed Face), I lied!” after which Stripped, Raped And Strangled was played, and all the present devil-horns were raised to the sky.
So, did it work without guest-appearances?
Yeah, it worked the way a Cannibal Corpse concert always works, full on blast attack, and nothing left alive when finished. Not my style, but I can’t deny they have a large and faithful following, as evident at this show.
Setlist (incomplete):
The Wretched Spawn
Evidence In The Furnace
Make Them Suffer
Priests Of Sodom
Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead
Devoured By Vermin
A Skull Full Of Maggots
Hammer Smashed Face
Stripped, Raped And Strangled
After seeing Chris Barnes’ current band, Six Feet Under, it was interesting to see that his old band-mates of Cannibal Corpse were taking over the stage directly afterwards. This could mean a cool reunion of sorts, if Barnes decided to show up and maybe do some guest vocals or something. Sadly, and even though George ‘Corpsegrinder’ Fisher and the band dedicated one of their songs to the aforementioned singer and band nothing of the sort happened.
“I’m not gonna be the only one headbanging, short hair is no excuse!”
- George 'Corpsegrinder' Fisher (vocals)
Even without the hope of a visit, people still flocked around in great masses to enjoy Cannibal Corpse, and things were not supposed to go easily by. With comments like the one mentioned, and others, like; “If you don’t mosh, I’m gonna come out there and kill you myself!” Corpsegrinder did what was in his power to get people thrashing to the music, as if it was needed. Already from the start of the show the grounds was filled by a violent moshpit, and those not participating in this activity were burning their energy off by breakneck speed headbanging.
Not that audience participation should stop there though, Corpsegrinder even incited a sing-along for A Skull Full Of Maggots, where everyone should stand and shout Maggots at the top of their lungs, and the response was powerful and all that he could wish for.
So the audience had a blast and was working their asses of, but what about the band?
Well, to be perfectly honest, I found the band to be a rather dull affair… I mean, the music will kill you with its sheer brutality, but if something in the performance should kill you, it could only be by boredom. Sure, the headbanging was intense, especially in the case of Corpsegrinder, but other than that there was… Absolutely nothing…
Someone once said that there is something special about a band which can just go on stage and let the music speak for itself, and in a way I suppose I agree, but for that to work, it demands that you actually like the music, at the least. As for Cannibal Corpse, I do not, and therefore something else was sorely needed, but sadly not provided.
Ok, Corpsegrinder ventured out into a little joke towards the end, saying; “When I said this was the last song (Hammer Smashed Face), I lied!” after which Stripped, Raped And Strangled was played, and all the present devil-horns were raised to the sky.
So, did it work without guest-appearances?
Yeah, it worked the way a Cannibal Corpse concert always works, full on blast attack, and nothing left alive when finished. Not my style, but I can’t deny they have a large and faithful following, as evident at this show.
Setlist (incomplete):
The Wretched Spawn
Evidence In The Furnace
Make Them Suffer
Priests Of Sodom
Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead
Devoured By Vermin
A Skull Full Of Maggots
Hammer Smashed Face
Stripped, Raped And Strangled