Amon Amarth

Mejeriet, Lund 2007

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

That's all my notes from the show say, and that's all that's necessary to say; Fantastic! Really.

Amon Amarth has returned to their roots (Sweden I mean), and they get a warm welcome from a crowd that is going completely amok. The band is in a great mood, and is really pumping out energy, and the crowd is taking it all in and sends it back at the band many times over. Seldom has there been seen such a mosh-pit going on in a place of this size. There's also horn-lifting, head-banging and beer-drinking all over the place. Just the way an Amon Amarth show should be.
Sadly, the sound is a bit off when they start Fate Of Norns, where the bass is drowning out all the other instruments. This is corrected half-way through the song though, and the rest of the show proceeds without mishaps.

The most negative thing I can say at this point is that I don't know when the next time I'm going to see these guys will be.
So, to sum it all up in one word - Fantastic!


Valhall Awaits Me
Runes To My Memory
Death In Fire
Cry of the Black Birds
Fate Of Norns
Victorious March
The Pursuit Of Vikings

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