
Amon Amarth
The Avenger, Zeche, Bochum - 2008
Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen
Remembering how incredibly cold it was yesterday waiting to get in, we chose to arrive a bit later for this day, hoping to avoid the line. It worked like a charm; when we arrived at Zeche we were able to waltz right in, no one was outside.
The line for the meet & greet was unchanged however. It still stretched on through the whole place more or less, but it didn't bother us since we had decided to wait with that for yet another day or so. All we did was to go up to the merchandise stand to get a copy of today's shirt; a special for the occasion printed The Avenger. I have come to understand that they will have one for every day / album; Once Sent From The Golden Hall, The Avenger, The Crusher and Versus The World, and as any self-respecting fan would know you have to collect them all...
"You are truly the last with pagan blood!"
- Johan Hegg (vocals)
This, Hegg bellowed from the stage, so for anyone not present, tough luck. He he, sorry, it had to be said.
Anyway, I don't think there were that many who weren't present. From what I had gathered before we left home Versus The World had been sold out for quite some time, and recently Once Sent From The Golden Hall had also expired but there should be tickets left for both The Avenger and The Crusher. This was however hard to believe as we were standing in the crowded hall; I think there were at least as many present this day as the day before. And they were just as loco.
Of course this was reflected in the band as well, who were impressively vital on stage yet again. I even saw Johan Hegg running over the stage a couple of times, as well as making little leaps from the monitors in front, neither of which I have ever seen before.
The evening was not completely without mishaps though; first of, the sound quality, at least from where I was standing, had not improved much and was still pretty much just a wall of noise where some of the finer details were lost.
Also, smaller misses in communication were found throughout the evening; such as when Johan did a spoken word intro ending with screaming "This is Avenger!", and then... nothing. He quickly saved it though;"Well, I guess some people (hinting at his band-mates) weren't ready... This is AVENGER!" And then it came on in full blast.
Next, the audience was up for a wake-up call with Johan shouting Metalwrath which was replied by a few Yeah's around the room. "Ok, let's try that again shall we? I'll shout Metalwrath and you shout it back to me." So, now that everyone had gotten the idea we could go on with a veritable scream fest, with the usual parting of the audience where you check which side is the loudest.
Something's that did work though, was the clap along which started for Legend Of A Banished Band (renamed for the evening). This song also saw the first moshpit of the concert starting.
And of course there was again a lot of singing along, especially so in the later part of the set which contained more of the classic live tracks. Some of the songs were reruns from yesterday and some were new in this set; my personal favourite Guardians Of Asgaard was one of the songs which had made the cut for both days, so I must admit that Amon Amarth are now completely forgiven for leaving it out when they visited Copenhagen last time. Maybe we'll even get to hear it one or two times more before this is all over...
"We've got one more song for you now, but then we have two more nights right?!"
- Hegg (vocals)
Damn right, and we are looking forward to them both.
After quickly being sent out of the concert-hall after the show we decided to take advantage of the small after party in the bar in the adjacent room. It was a very cosy event which even saw some band-members joining the rest of us for a chat and a beer. Definitely a good way to end the day.
Bleed For Ancient Gods
The Last With Pagan Blood
North Sea Storm
God, His Son And Holy Whore
Legend Of A Banished Man
Twilight Of The Thunder God
Free Will Sacrifice
The Fate Of Norns
Where Is Your God?
Valhall Awaits Me
Gods Of War Arise
Cry Of The Black Birds
Guardians Of Asgaard
The line for the meet & greet was unchanged however. It still stretched on through the whole place more or less, but it didn't bother us since we had decided to wait with that for yet another day or so. All we did was to go up to the merchandise stand to get a copy of today's shirt; a special for the occasion printed The Avenger. I have come to understand that they will have one for every day / album; Once Sent From The Golden Hall, The Avenger, The Crusher and Versus The World, and as any self-respecting fan would know you have to collect them all...
"You are truly the last with pagan blood!"
- Johan Hegg (vocals)
This, Hegg bellowed from the stage, so for anyone not present, tough luck. He he, sorry, it had to be said.
Anyway, I don't think there were that many who weren't present. From what I had gathered before we left home Versus The World had been sold out for quite some time, and recently Once Sent From The Golden Hall had also expired but there should be tickets left for both The Avenger and The Crusher. This was however hard to believe as we were standing in the crowded hall; I think there were at least as many present this day as the day before. And they were just as loco.
Of course this was reflected in the band as well, who were impressively vital on stage yet again. I even saw Johan Hegg running over the stage a couple of times, as well as making little leaps from the monitors in front, neither of which I have ever seen before.
The evening was not completely without mishaps though; first of, the sound quality, at least from where I was standing, had not improved much and was still pretty much just a wall of noise where some of the finer details were lost.
Also, smaller misses in communication were found throughout the evening; such as when Johan did a spoken word intro ending with screaming "This is Avenger!", and then... nothing. He quickly saved it though;"Well, I guess some people (hinting at his band-mates) weren't ready... This is AVENGER!" And then it came on in full blast.
Next, the audience was up for a wake-up call with Johan shouting Metalwrath which was replied by a few Yeah's around the room. "Ok, let's try that again shall we? I'll shout Metalwrath and you shout it back to me." So, now that everyone had gotten the idea we could go on with a veritable scream fest, with the usual parting of the audience where you check which side is the loudest.
Something's that did work though, was the clap along which started for Legend Of A Banished Band (renamed for the evening). This song also saw the first moshpit of the concert starting.
And of course there was again a lot of singing along, especially so in the later part of the set which contained more of the classic live tracks. Some of the songs were reruns from yesterday and some were new in this set; my personal favourite Guardians Of Asgaard was one of the songs which had made the cut for both days, so I must admit that Amon Amarth are now completely forgiven for leaving it out when they visited Copenhagen last time. Maybe we'll even get to hear it one or two times more before this is all over...
"We've got one more song for you now, but then we have two more nights right?!"
- Hegg (vocals)
Damn right, and we are looking forward to them both.
After quickly being sent out of the concert-hall after the show we decided to take advantage of the small after party in the bar in the adjacent room. It was a very cosy event which even saw some band-members joining the rest of us for a chat and a beer. Definitely a good way to end the day.
Bleed For Ancient Gods
The Last With Pagan Blood
North Sea Storm
God, His Son And Holy Whore
Legend Of A Banished Man
Twilight Of The Thunder God
Free Will Sacrifice
The Fate Of Norns
Where Is Your God?
Valhall Awaits Me
Gods Of War Arise
Cry Of The Black Birds
Guardians Of Asgaard