
The Rock, Copenhagen - 2008
Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen
Yet another one record band visited The Rock. The first had been Gwydion, and after them it was time for Alestorm (formerly known as Battleheart). Alestorm hail from Scotland and play, by their own words, True Scottish Pirate Metal.
Being the second band to play here for the Ragnarök Aaskereia tour, I think people had at this time managed to come in from the long line which had been forming outside earlier. It was actually getting a bit crowded in the old Rock; I don't know if it was sold out or not, but it might have been seeing as how well populated the place was.
Alestorm started their set with the fast party tune Over The Seas, and continued in the same way, the themes being pirating, drinking ale and watching wenches. Just listen to the all-saying chorus from their song The Huntmaster; "With the power of ale, he could not fail!"
The band was standing still on stage, even though the music compelled everyone else to throw themselves into the mosh, with tankards raised high. Yes, the audiences' response to the band was not lacking in any way, and this made for a great night out, with one entertaining show after the other.
So far I had not actually known any of the bands playing, but I had been taken in a positive way by both of their shows. Left was one more band which I didn't know, Hollenthon, and two bands which I have seen before and have yet to be disappointed by, Týr and Svartsot.
But for now, Alestorm were still playing, and singer/keyboard/pirate captain Christopher Bowes was slinging one fun remark after the other at us, like the very describing explanation of one of their songs; "This one's about wenches and mead. It's called Wenches And Mead!"
There was also time to introduce their new guitar player, Tim Shaw. I know Christopher said that it was his first time playing with the band and that they hadn't had time to rehearse with him, but I don't think this was to be trusted. Tim made a good job of it, and didn't seem to go wrong at any time during the show. Then again, I'm not too familiar with Alestorm's music, so I might be mistaken...
Over The Seas
The Huntmaster
Nancy The Tavern Wench
Terror On The High Seas
Wenches And Mead
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Being the second band to play here for the Ragnarök Aaskereia tour, I think people had at this time managed to come in from the long line which had been forming outside earlier. It was actually getting a bit crowded in the old Rock; I don't know if it was sold out or not, but it might have been seeing as how well populated the place was.
Alestorm started their set with the fast party tune Over The Seas, and continued in the same way, the themes being pirating, drinking ale and watching wenches. Just listen to the all-saying chorus from their song The Huntmaster; "With the power of ale, he could not fail!"
The band was standing still on stage, even though the music compelled everyone else to throw themselves into the mosh, with tankards raised high. Yes, the audiences' response to the band was not lacking in any way, and this made for a great night out, with one entertaining show after the other.
So far I had not actually known any of the bands playing, but I had been taken in a positive way by both of their shows. Left was one more band which I didn't know, Hollenthon, and two bands which I have seen before and have yet to be disappointed by, Týr and Svartsot.
But for now, Alestorm were still playing, and singer/keyboard/pirate captain Christopher Bowes was slinging one fun remark after the other at us, like the very describing explanation of one of their songs; "This one's about wenches and mead. It's called Wenches And Mead!"
There was also time to introduce their new guitar player, Tim Shaw. I know Christopher said that it was his first time playing with the band and that they hadn't had time to rehearse with him, but I don't think this was to be trusted. Tim made a good job of it, and didn't seem to go wrong at any time during the show. Then again, I'm not too familiar with Alestorm's music, so I might be mistaken...
Over The Seas
The Huntmaster
Nancy The Tavern Wench
Terror On The High Seas
Wenches And Mead
Captain Morgan's Revenge