A Day To Remember

Copenhell - 2015

Text: Tobias Nilsson Photo: Lunah Lauridsen

A Day To Remember opened up the Helvíti stage the first day of Copenhell 2015, and it was clearly a band that catered to the younger side of the audience with their sound of rather typical, non-surprising metalcore.

They had one thing going for them, a common trait to bands in this genre, and that was the amount of energy they displayed as soon as they hit the stage. Oh, and toilet rolls.
Yes, for some reason A Day To Remember thought it would be a fun idea to start their show off by throwing several rolls of toilet paper onto the audience – luckily for them, the promised rain was not present, otherwise we would have had a serious mess on our hands! The crowd seemed to enjoy the initiative, and for as long as there were squares of paper left on the rolls, the rolls kept flying through the air, ending both on stage and off.

We didn’t stick around for long though, as we had business elsewhere to take care of. Because of this, I never got a strong impression of the band, and even though the day truly was something to remember, the band definitely was not. Not for me anyway.

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